duminică, 3 iulie 2011

Love is like a song

Cu cât ascult mai multe melodii, cu atât mă simt mai îndreptățită să fac urmatoarea comăparație: love is like a song. Really. just read:

- there are some songs that fascinate you from the beginning. they get stuck in your mind and you can't help yourself to sing along. you put them on repeat, but after a few days you get bored of them and find other songs to listen to -> this is love at first sight. it hits you outta nowhere and makes you all happy, and then it slowly fades into anonymity.

- there are also songs that you don't really give much importance. but one morning you start singing them in your mind, out of the blue, and you think: why not? "la la la la la". you listen to them a few times and then, never again. if you ever hear them accidentally, sometimes you don't even recognize the tune, or you don't feel nothing at all, it's just background noise. -> this are occasionally flings, i guess.

-  other songs, are not quite that fascinating at the beginning. but, you give them another chance. you listen to them again and you find notes that start to captivate you, slowly. You wake up wanting to hear them again and again, you find yourself in the lyrics and you feel deep inside your heart every note. with every beginning,  you find new reasons to get carried away. even if you hear it after a long time, you can still stop and dream about those times, or discover yourself allover again in it's melody. -> this is true love

Cam atât pentru azi. Acum așa s-a nimerit, să-mi fie mai ușor să mă exprim în engleză. Chiar am încercat inițial în română, dar parca nu se legau la fel de bine cuvintele. Poate o sa revin cu postarea în româna, mai ampla, dar nu garanetez nimic...

Închei cu o melodie pă feeling. Să nu uităm: 
Good music can be so hard to find...

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